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The Key of Darkness (3)


---Chapter three---

Descendants of Adam and Eve

Samuel Solisticashire slowly approached William, who was searching for him in the dark forest. He wore a black cloak and removed his hat as he greeted William.

"Lord Battom, I never expected you to respond to my call. And you have a lovely lady with you," Samuel said.

William glanced at Jane, who stood beside him. He noticed her trembling in fear. He turned to Samuel and replied, "Yes, as usual, a sacrifice."

Jane was taken aback and scared. She trembled, and then she asked in a low voice, "You said I was going to die. I can understand that, but what kind of sacrifice?"

"For a ritual," William responded.

"What ritual? What if the church found out?" Jane asked, perplexed.

Samuel chuckled and approached the girl, whispering, "The church only accuses poor women of witchcraft, not wealthy men like us. We started the witch hunts, but it was women like you who suffered."

Jane gasped and exclaimed, "Don't you fear God? Are you not descendants of Adam and Eve?"

"We are already paying for their sins. We are baptized at birth. Why? Because our mother ate an apple. Then what? Do Adam's first wife, Lilith, and her demons haunt us? They bring bad luck. But we'll take our chances," Samuel explained.

Jane was taken aback by Samuel's words and began to cry. William glanced at her, then turned back to Samuel and said, "You're revealing too much. You're scaring her."

"That's better," Samuel replied with a smirk.

William took Jane into his arms and started walking through the forest.

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